Recycle your oil
Re: Recycle your oil
Also, the public would likely not accept that their $4 a quart "premium engine oil" is made from used engine oil rather that "virgin crude oil" most of which is actually quite nastier than any used engine oil.
Duke- Top
Re: Recycle your oil
So from Duke’s presentation it sounds like the used motor oil would have a bad rap just because it’s ”used” and nobody would want to put it in their crank case. But as a fuel oil mix it would be accepted. I think Duke’s reading the public is spot on. Funny how the public views things.- Top
Re: Recycle your oil
I think it's a matter of how refineries are set up to create modern base stock lubricating oils from crude oil. It would require a lot of retooling to use used oil as a feedstock and remove all the oxidized components. So filtering it and mixing with heavy fuel oil is a cheaper way to dispose of it including putting the heat of combustion to a useful purpose.
Also, the public would likely not accept that their $4 a quart "premium engine oil" is made from used engine oil rather that "virgin crude oil" most of which is actually quite nastier than any used engine oil.
DukeDick Whittington- Top