How to replace hose-center dash A/C duct , C2

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  • John P.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 2002
    • 215

    How to replace hose-center dash A/C duct , C2

    Hi, I am trying to replace one of the rotted center dash A/C duct hoses on my factory air C2. It is the left side hose as looking at the dash.

    I am hoping to do it from underneath the dash. My question is : the AIM mentions that the hose is attached with "tangs" . Any idea how to remove and replace the hose without removing the dash?
  • Elliott P.
    • February 5, 2018
    • 65

    Re: How to replace hose-center dash A/C duct , C2

    Hi, just been there, done that, and glad to help. The hard way is to have small hands and try and work it out as you find it. The tangs are just bumps on the duct. However, the easy way is to remove two bolts holding the hood latch bracket under the dash and let it drop. Then remove the three small hex-head self-tapping screws holding the left AC duct under the dash - one is right up front, one is behind duct and you need to look under to find it, and the third is to the far left screwed up into an L-bracket attached to kick-panel. Then just pull the duct out gingerly, minding the trip odometer set cable, and more or less of the old hose will come out with it. Then remove rest of hose.

    Reassemble in the reverse. However, the trick is to preform the new perfectly round replacement hose into a roughly square section for the center third of the hose. (You may notice this shape in the AIM.) This is necessary to clear the parking brake hardware, which will just tear up your nice round hose when used. I used two short sections of 2X4 and two longer sections of 2X6 to form a mold and just hammered on the 2X4 until the shape suited me. I also trimmed both ends of the tube so the first wire beginning faired gradually into the second turn of wire, making slipping on duct much easier. Slip hose on duct still under dash first and align square portion to clear parking brake. Then slip left AC duct on and make sure it bottoms, and place one of the small duct screws in place to hold it up. The hose should rise in a bump over the parking brake for clearance, adjust as needed. Replace two other duct screws and tighten up. Verify that parking brake hardware clears duct when pulled and released. Then button up the rest.

    I have done it both ways with large hands, and the latter is much preferred.

    Cheers, Elliott


    • John P.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 1, 2002
      • 215

      Re: How to replace hose-center dash A/C duct , C2

      And to gain access to the back of the center air duct in the middle of the console above the radio and control knobs?


      • Peter M.
        Very Frequent User
        • May 31, 2013
        • 358

        Re: How to replace hose-center dash A/C duct , C2

        I Just did my 67, reassembling it after a body off restoration. I don't think it can be done without removing the cluster and the glove box. You may have to remove the speaker also. It is a terrible job!
        The A/C cable runs though the hose so you can't just slide the hose off and on, check your AIM.
        Kind regards


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