What kind of screws are used to mount a C2 BB hood scoop grille? - NCRS Discussion Boards

What kind of screws are used to mount a C2 BB hood scoop grille?

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  • Larry S.
    • March 11, 2007
    • 457

    What kind of screws are used to mount a C2 BB hood scoop grille?

    I have a new repro hood scoop grille for my '67, but it came without the two screws to mount it. What size are they--width and length? I assume they are chrome plated? Thank you.
  • Gary S.
    Super Moderator
    • January 31, 1984
    • 456

    Re: What kind of screws are used to mount a C2 BB hood scoop grille?

    Thought you might get an answer by now. I winter away from home and can't measure or look up anything. But can offer you this picture of a one owner 27K mile car. Screws are chrome, tapered, philips.

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    Avatar--My first ever vette, owned 3X since 1977, restored 1993-2024. Top Flight Award 9/14/24


    • David B.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 29, 1980
      • 683

      Re: What kind of screws are used to mount a C2 BB hood scoop grille?

      What is the part # ??


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