Seeking source for 1966 Sunfire Yellow

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  • Steven L.
    • November 7, 2016
    • 32

    Seeking source for 1966 Sunfire Yellow

    Hi All,

    I'm trying to find a source for purchasing some Sunfire Yellow single-stage urethane that is the correct shade of yellow. I'm in the process of redoing the headlight buckets, and I want to use single stage urethane to paint them prior to reinstalling them. I went to a local paint supplier and had him mix a pint of what he claimed was the correct formula, but when I sprayed it, the shade does not match the original shade of yellow on the car. Knowing that the car had been repainted once, I compared it to the paint on the underside of the rear compartment lid, which I know is original paint. I'd appreciate any recommendations that other members may have regarding paint suppliers who can create the correct shade.

    Steve Leunig
  • Leif A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1997
    • 3571

    Re: Seeking source for 1966 Sunfire Yellow

    By the reading of your post, what you're wanting to do is duplicate the shade of Sunfire Yellow that is currently on your car (not the original paint). Your paint supplier should be able to scan the paint that's on your car and duplicate (very closely) the shade of Sunfire Yellow that's currently on your car.
    '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
    Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


    • Larry M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 1, 1992
      • 2683

      Re: Seeking source for 1966 Sunfire Yellow

      Originally posted by Leif Anderson (29632)
      By the reading of your post, what you're wanting to do is duplicate the shade of Sunfire Yellow that is currently on your car (not the original paint). Your paint supplier should be able to scan the paint that's on your car and duplicate (very closely) the shade of Sunfire Yellow that's currently on your car.
      I agree............and tint to match if the shade is a bit off.

      I would find another supplier...........maybe even a restoration shop nearby that can assist in where to go or tint for you. Bigger shops have their own tint supplies and capability.

      Consider contacting NCRS paint experts Tom Ames or Ballard to assist you in your search. Both have contact info on Restorer front page.



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