C3 Rally Wheel Date Stamps - Dashes and No Dashes - NCRS Discussion Boards

C3 Rally Wheel Date Stamps - Dashes and No Dashes

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  • Jack O.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 31, 1996
    • 525

    C3 Rally Wheel Date Stamps - Dashes and No Dashes

    I know there are many posts on the topic of wheel dates but I couldn't find one that addressed any significance to whether the date contains a dash.

    I have two Rally Wheels stamped 'K18<space>8<hole>5 AZ' that also have the 'BB' welded on. Also the disk similarly is K18 but with 8 below the K1.

    I have two other wheels stamped 'K-1-6<space>7<hole>20 AZ', no BB and the disk is K-1-6 all on one line.

    I think the later wheels must be 1976, as they can't be 1966, but am wondering if the lack of dashes has any significance and whether that may indicate the K18 wheels are 1968 as opposed to 1978?


    Jack Ottofaro
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