I feel kinda dirty asking, but here goes... - NCRS Discussion Boards

I feel kinda dirty asking, but here goes...

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  • Don L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 31, 2005
    • 1004

    Re: I feel kinda dirty asking, but here goes...

    Rear Seal Housing Feb 2, 2019.jpg
    Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

    All I need is the part number of the crate engine assembly. Otherwise, a photo of the crankshaft flange will do.

    Joe, I got the engine home today and uncrated it. I have attached a photo of the rear seal and seal housing. Does this photo allow you to provide me some guidance on which ARP flex plate bolts I need?

    If it matters, the flex plate is a Pioneer (part number FRA-159)

    Thank you!
    Don Lowe
    NCRS #44382
    Carolinas Chapter


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 31, 1988
      • 43160

      Re: I feel kinda dirty asking, but here goes...

      Originally posted by Don Lowe (44382)

      Joe, I got the engine home today and uncrated it. I have attached a photo of the rear seal and seal housing. Does this photo allow you to provide me some guidance on which ARP flex plate bolts I need?

      If it matters, the flex plate is a Pioneer (part number FRA-159)

      Thank you!

      This engine has a 1 piece seal type crankshaft. The flexplate you have has the correct bolt pattern for this crankshaft. It is a 168 tooth flexplate and externally balanced (all 1 piece seal small blocks are externally balanced).

      You will need the ARP bolts of 0.725" length (ARP 200-2906) or 6 GM #3727207. For this I much prefer the ARP bolts.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Don L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 31, 2005
        • 1004

        Re: I feel kinda dirty asking, but here goes...

        A big thanks to all for contribution and advice! Much appreciated. A special thanks to Joe Lucia for his guidance. Joe, how does so much knowledge fit in your head? You're amazing!

        I'll order the ARP bolts tomorrow and begin assembly.

        A side note: when I un-crated the new engine yesterday, I read the dyno sheet that came with it. This GM 350ci block (over-bored to 357ci), coupled with Weiand aluminum intake manifold, Pro-filer aluminum heads (w/2.02-1.60 valves), Holley 680cfm carb, generates 397hp @ 5200 RPM. It makes 434 ft lbs of torque @ 4500RPM. Can't wait to have me some fun in this little truck...
        Don Lowe
        NCRS #44382
        Carolinas Chapter


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