67 Headlight switch problem.

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  • Randy R.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1983
    • 477

    67 Headlight switch problem.

    I can't get the knob and shaft out of the headlight switch. i think the problem is caused by the spring under the button that you push to release the shaft. The spring is shaped like on in a ballpoint pen. It is not tapered. When the button is pushed the spring bottoms out before the button is in far enough to release the shaft. The switch is not a repo.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    Thank you,

  • Patrick B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1985
    • 1980

    Re: 67 Headlight switch problem.

    I thought mine was bottoming out too, but it turned out that pressing the button too far in also binds the shaft. Try pulling gently on the knob and just pushing the button half way in.


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