57 heater/blower inspection marks - NCRS Discussion Boards

57 heater/blower inspection marks

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  • John J.
    Frequent User
    • May 31, 1994
    • 59

    57 heater/blower inspection marks

    I am getting ready to restore the blower box, and it has the attached inspection markings on it. I have seen the inspection marks on the blower motor itself, but not here. Has anyone else seen this? If it is factory, I want to get a stamp made so I can replicate.

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  • Todd H.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1997
    • 118

    Re: 57 heater/blower inspection marks

    John, the blower box from my '57 has some curious damage right where that stamp probably was. Remnants of the lines on the edges of the stamp on yours appear to be present on mine. Various other stampings are still on the entire assembly.

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