Are There Any Queen City Chevrolet Historians Out There?

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  • Mike B.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1994
    • 828

    Are There Any Queen City Chevrolet Historians Out There?

    Hello Guys,

    Well, I figured I'd give this another shot. I've never tried this angle before. Really hoping this may open new doors for my research of Queen City Chevrolet Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio. My '66 427/390hp Corvette convertible was factory delivered there December, '65.

    I was curious if there were any NCRS affiliated groups that might have compiled any information of the now closed dealership. Maybe some folks in the Queen City Chapter might have leads I might follow? I'd be very interested in chatting with anyone who worked there before it closed in the early '80s. Especially if they worked there in the '60s.

    Here ya go Cincinnati folks! I'll share this with you first. I've got more. Enjoy, Mike

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