The AM calls for part number 3686628 which is the gray body caulking .The fire wall grommets on the car when I took it apart appeasers to have a black sealant on them ??. Like black roofing tar. Which is correct.
1957 firewall gromet sealer compound
Re: 1957 firewall gromet sealer compound
my grommets off our three 57's , as well as the 55, 56, 61,61 and 62 vets, were sealed with a black caulk. you would think that if they were originally gray, there would be evidence of grey color buried within a cross-section of the caulk. I've used 3-M strip caulk during the above restorations. mike- Top
Re: 1957 firewall gromet sealer compound
Dan I would;d go with the black.
See below pictures from two original cars
DaveAttached Files- Top
Re: 1957 firewall gromet sealer compound
The article in the Restorer Magazine with regards to the grommet sealing is in Volume 37, Number 4 Spring 2011.
In case you don't have that Volume I've scanned it and will send to you on a PM.
Wayne- Top