1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

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  • Chuck G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1982
    • 2029

    1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

    What is the correct ID for the hose that goes from the reservoir to the pump? What is the correct ID for the two hoses that go from the pump to the WS squirters?

    While we're at it, what are the corresponding OD's for the same hoses..

    AND... what it the correct routing for the reservoir to pump hose? Does it run from the pump down the firewall to the RT of the master cylinder? To the LT of the master cylinder? Does it then go above the steering column to the reservoir? Below the steering column to the reservoir?

    1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
    2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
    1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod
  • Don H.
    • June 16, 2009
    • 2217

    Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

    Chuck, you're missing a page from your AIM too? Here it is.
    Sorry I don't have the hose dimensions for you.
    Attached Files


    • Chuck G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 31, 1982
      • 2029

      Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

      Yeah, I've got that page, but it doesn't tell me much. No ID/OD, and not clear at all as to the routing of the hose from the firewall to the reservoir.. IIRC, later years had a clip that slipped on the female hood catch....

      I've seen the pump/reservoir hose run several ways... To the RT or to the LT of the master cylinder, then down.

      If to the LT of the MC, I've seen some run through/under the female hood latch.

      I've seen them run over the steering column. I've seen them run looped under the steering column and clutch rod.

      I've seen all different permutations of the ones mentioned.
      1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
      2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
      1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


      • John F.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 23, 2008
        • 2391

        Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

        I have a 64 and the AIM page is the same I think. The hose goes from the pump thru the two plastic straps over the master cylinder to the tank.


        • Rich Y.
          Infrequent User
          • April 1, 2012
          • 24

          Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

          I believe this is the original hose, installed 55 years ago.
          Unfortunately, I do not have an accurate way to measure the diameters.

          Attached Files


          • Bob W.
            Very Frequent User
            • November 30, 1977
            • 788

            Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

            Rich, Great photo this is very helpful. Now all we need to find out is id and how long.

            Thanks Bob


            • Chuck G.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 31, 1982
              • 2029

              Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

              That is a great photo, Rich, and it's just what I needed. Thank you.

              Your hose goes above the MC... is "tied" to the cable...and goes directly to the reservoir... I also see that it runs in front of the "arm" for the hood release cable. I've seen them behind that arm.

              I've seen them "turned" 90* either to the LT or RT of the MC, go downward.... then head toward the reservoir...some above, some looped below the steering column and clutch rod. Your original installation makes sense..

              I'm trying to get mine to work. The washers work fine when I prime the pump with a mouthful of water, but I can't get enough vacuum to pull fluid from the reservoir. The wiper motor and pump were rebuilt a few years ago. Works fine. The pump diaphragm in the housing looks like new... I tried a new TRICO repair kit...sorta like the original 3 nozzle model, and it's worse than my original.

              I'll keep trying.
              1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
              2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
              1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


              • Harry S.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • July 31, 2002
                • 5204

                Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                Chuck, I know Florida is a big state but both you and Rich live there. Mybe you can hook up and take measurements.

                I belive Geoff Coenen ( Dr. Rebuild ) took very accurate measurements before he ordered his hoses, maybe he kept them.


                • Rich Y.
                  Infrequent User
                  • April 1, 2012
                  • 24

                  Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                  I just used a drill bit to measure the ID.
                  It is about 13/64 (.203") and approx 26" long.
                  Please realize that this is a very old hose, the ID may have changed over time.


                  • Chuck G.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • May 31, 1982
                    • 2029

                    Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                    Originally posted by Harry Sadlock (38513)
                    Chuck, I know Florida is a big state but both you and Rich live there. Maybe you can hook up and take measurements.

                    I believe Geoff Coenen ( Dr. Rebuild ) took very accurate measurements before he ordered his hoses, maybe he kept them.
                    Good idea, Harry.

                    Originally posted by Richard Yanulis (54757)
                    I just used a drill bit to measure the ID.
                    It is about 13/64 (.203") and approx 26" long.
                    Please realize that this is a very old hose, the ID may have changed over time.
                    13/64" is REAL close to 3/16". IIRC, when I measured mine, it was closer to 1/4", using a drill bit as an index.

                    I'll check it again..

                    I'm no "fluid dynamics" expert.. If the "suck" from the pump remained the same, would you move more fluid with a smaller or larger ID hose?

                    Would seem to me that you'd get more fluid volume in a hose of greater ID...BUT... it would not travel up the column (the hose) as far.

                    Seems that with a smaller ID hose, you'd get fluid to the pump quicker... it would just be a lesser amount.

                    Thoughts? Does it matter? I see lots of guys priming their pumps with mouthfuls of water before OPS checks...
                    Last edited by Chuck G.; December 13, 2018, 01:49 PM.
                    1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
                    2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
                    1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


                    • Harry S.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • July 31, 2002
                      • 5204

                      Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                      Chuck, If you are not too busy, remove the nipple unit from the pump. Ensure that the nipple that goes to the tank only allow air/water to flow inward towards the pump. Ensure the other two nipples only allow air/water to flow away from the pump. The check valve inside the nipple unit fail when they stay dry too long. Also, on the original one piece units in a 63 the check valves can be removed, cleaned and replaced. So if you have a broken unit ( plastic body ) you may be able to swap check valves. I did this to fix one of my problems,

                      Good Luck.


                      • Rich Y.
                        Infrequent User
                        • April 1, 2012
                        • 24

                        Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                        Originally posted by Chuck Gongloff (5629)
                        13/64" is REAL close to 3/8". IIRC, when I measured mine, it was closer to 1/4", using a drill bit as an index.

                        I'll check it again..
                        The ID of my original hose is 13/64".
                        (one drill bit larger than 3/16"..........quite a bit smaller than 1/4")


                        • Chuck G.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • May 31, 1982
                          • 2029

                          Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                          Originally posted by Harry Sadlock (38513)
                          Chuck, If you are not too busy, remove the nipple unit from the pump. Ensure that the nipple that goes to the tank only allow air/water to flow inward towards the pump. Ensure the other two nipples only allow air/water to flow away from the pump. The check valve inside the nipple unit fail when they stay dry too long. Also, on the original one piece units in a 63 the check valves can be removed, cleaned and replaced. So if you have a broken unit ( plastic body ) you may be able to swap check valves. I did this to fix one of my problems,

                          Good Luck.
                          I've had it off many times and have looked at the metal cages that hold the flapper valves. Wasn't sure if I could remove those cages to replace the rubber flappers. Didn't want to try unless I had an original replacement on stand-by.

                          I measured my hose. It is 1/4" ID and it is 28" long.. That's a lot larger ID than Rich's original 13/64" hose.

                          ~3/16" original ID to my 4/16" is a big increase.
                          1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
                          2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
                          1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


                          • Harry S.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • July 31, 2002
                            • 5204

                            Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                            Chuck, yes they are delicate. But if any one of the nipples, check valves, has a leak you will not draw water from the tank easily.


                            • Chuck G.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • May 31, 1982
                              • 2029

                              Re: 1963 Corvette Windshield Washer Hoses ID, OD, and Routing

                              Originally posted by Harry Sadlock (38513)
                              Chuck, yes they are delicate. But if any one of the nipples, check valves, has a leak you will not draw water from the tank easily.
                              I picked around the cages with a dental pick. They seemed pretty tight. I thought about grinding a trough around each, and picking them out, but decided against that for now.

                              I have a couple of 2 piece replacements, but when you put them together, with the "Mickey Mouse ear" gasket... and tighten them up, you can barely blow or suck air through any of the 3 nipples...
                              1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
                              2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
                              1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


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