Are Quanta Gas Tanks Judged the Same as an Original? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Are Quanta Gas Tanks Judged the Same as an Original?

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  • Stuart K.
    • March 27, 2018
    • 18

    Are Quanta Gas Tanks Judged the Same as an Original?

    I am restoring a 1970 Corvette Convertible. I removed the Gas Tank (Original Non-emissions) and it seems as though a repair was made where at the fuel line connection (in fiberglass). I'm deciding whether to have the that area welded versus just buying a new Quanta tank. I'm curious to know whether anyone has had a car judged with a replacement Quanta Gas Tank? Please share the type of deductions, if any. If I replace the tank, I'm going to use the original neck and gas cap which I will re-plate. I can re-use the straps as well, along with the sending unit. I would appreciate any feedback.
  • Patrick H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 11566

    Re: Are Quanta Gas Tanks Judged the Same as an Original?

    Some have noted that the logo on the bottom of the tank can be 90 degrees different in orientation. Of course, you have to be able to see the logo to make this determination, and that's difficult with the spare tire in place on a 1970.

    Frankly, for the safety factor alone I'd replace it.
    I've replaced a couple of them, and had no problems. On one of them I even restenciled the lot number on the passenger's side of the tank.
    Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
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