Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

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  • Richard K.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 1, 1988
    • 207

    Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

    Why am I always failing to find a fastener's type, size, and finish using the GM sources that I use. I'm most concerned about finding the finish, be it cad, phosphate, zinc phosphate, etc., which should be in the "Standard Parts Catalog".
    I have these printed materials to help in my search:

    1.) 1969 Corvette Assembly Manual
    2.) 1953 - 1973 Corvette Parts Catalog (Group 8.000 ends at 8.873; fasteners are listed in the "Standard Parts Catalog". See below.)
    3.) Chevrolet Standard Parts; Service and Maintenance Products. Groups 8.800, 8.899 thru 8.999 (identification numbers are effective 12/70, the manual was printed effective 6/71)

    Here's an example:

    The Assembly Instruction Manual, UPC 1, Asm. F20, item #12 = p.n. 9419663
    The Assembly Instruction Manual, UPC 1, Asm. F20, item #16 = p.n. 9415163

    The 1953 - 1973 Corvette Parts Catalog, Illustration 9-21P shows the same screws as items #14 & #17, and that both are part of Group 8.977. No part numbers are shown.

    The Chevrolet Standard Parts Catalog does not show either screw listed in Group 8.977 !

    Why do these fasteners not show up in the Standard Parts Catalog ? What am I doing wrong, or using incorrectly ? Or?

    Rich Kossum
  • David L.
    • August 1, 1980
    • 3310

    Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.


    I have many vintage Chevrolet Parts Catalogs, Chevrolet and GM Parts History catalogs, and GM Standard Parts Catalogs. It is quite rare to find a part number for a fastener that appears in assembly manuals to be also in a Chevrolet Parts Catalog or a Standard Parts Catalog. My 1966 and 1969 Chevrolet parts catalogs have a "Standard Parts Section" (Group 8.899 to 8.991) but in most cases do not have fastener part numbers that are the same as the assembly manual. You are doing nothing wrong. It is just the way it is.



    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

      Originally posted by Richard Kossum (12684)
      Why am I always failing to find a fastener's type, size, and finish using the GM sources that I use. I'm most concerned about finding the finish, be it cad, phosphate, zinc phosphate, etc., which should be in the "Standard Parts Catalog".
      I have these printed materials to help in my search:

      1.) 1969 Corvette Assembly Manual
      2.) 1953 - 1973 Corvette Parts Catalog (Group 8.000 ends at 8.873; fasteners are listed in the "Standard Parts Catalog". See below.)
      3.) Chevrolet Standard Parts; Service and Maintenance Products. Groups 8.800, 8.899 thru 8.999 (identification numbers are effective 12/70, the manual was printed effective 6/71)

      Here's an example:

      The Assembly Instruction Manual, UPC 1, Asm. F20, item #12 = p.n. 9419663
      The Assembly Instruction Manual, UPC 1, Asm. F20, item #16 = p.n. 9415163

      The 1953 - 1973 Corvette Parts Catalog, Illustration 9-21P shows the same screws as items #14 & #17, and that both are part of Group 8.977. No part numbers are shown.

      The Chevrolet Standard Parts Catalog does not show either screw listed in Group 8.977 !

      Why do these fasteners not show up in the Standard Parts Catalog ? What am I doing wrong, or using incorrectly ? Or?

      Rich Kossum
      Some parts, Fasteners especially, are "assembly line only" this you will not find them in the Standard Parts Catalogs or other Over The Counter f(OTC) references.


      • Ed S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 7, 2014
        • 1369

        Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

        Rich - try AMK Products - they have a lot of original fasteners in correct finishes -

        9419663 is on page 71 of the AMK catalog - it takes a bit of time to figure out how the catalog is organized. If you don't find it let me know, I will try to talk you through it.

        9415163 is not in the AMK inventory but 9415162 is - page 78

        Hope this helps


        • Gary C.
          • October 1, 1982
          • 17404

          Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

          FYI - GM Fasteners are listed in P&A 24 (parts books)

          ebay listing for P&A 24 as an example:

          NCRS Texas Chapter


          • David B.
            Very Frequent User
            • March 1, 1980
            • 680

            Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

            All fastener part numbers listed do show up in the GM Standard Parts Catalogs, you just do not have the complete version.
            Every fastener that goes into building a GM product has an assigned part number. There are at least 3 large volumes (maybe more) each 2 1/2" thick listing the description of every single nut, bolt, screw, washer etc. whether used in production or service. Obviously it would not be practical to list all of these fasteners in the over the counter parts catalog.
            When looking for a particular fastener description it is really important to provide a part number if possible, more then likely it can be found somewhere in uncle GM's files.
            9419663 hexagon washer head tapping screw, size 8, threads per inch 18, length 1/2" finish phosphate coated
            9415163 hexagon washer head tapping screw, size 8, threads per inch 18, length 5/8" finish cad or zinc
            9415162 hexagon washer head tapping screw, size 10, threads per inch 16, length 3/8" finish cad or zinc


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • February 1, 1988
              • 43133

              Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

              Originally posted by Richard Kossum (12684)
              Why am I always failing to find a fastener's type, size, and finish using the GM sources that I use. I'm most concerned about finding the finish, be it cad, phosphate, zinc phosphate, etc., which should be in the "Standard Parts Catalog".
              I have these printed materials to help in my search:

              1.) 1969 Corvette Assembly Manual
              2.) 1953 - 1973 Corvette Parts Catalog (Group 8.000 ends at 8.873; fasteners are listed in the "Standard Parts Catalog". See below.)
              3.) Chevrolet Standard Parts; Service and Maintenance Products. Groups 8.800, 8.899 thru 8.999 (identification numbers are effective 12/70, the manual was printed effective 6/71)

              Here's an example:

              The Assembly Instruction Manual, UPC 1, Asm. F20, item #12 = p.n. 9419663
              The Assembly Instruction Manual, UPC 1, Asm. F20, item #16 = p.n. 9415163

              The 1953 - 1973 Corvette Parts Catalog, Illustration 9-21P shows the same screws as items #14 & #17, and that both are part of Group 8.977. No part numbers are shown.

              The Chevrolet Standard Parts Catalog does not show either screw listed in Group 8.977 !

              Why do these fasteners not show up in the Standard Parts Catalog ? What am I doing wrong, or using incorrectly ? Or?

              Rich Kossum

              The VAST majority of fasteners used in PRODUCTION were never available from GM in SERVICE. Of course, every one had a GM part number but that does not mean that you could EVER obtain one from GM.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Gary C.
                • October 1, 1982
                • 17404

                Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.


                Have tried for many moons to acquire a copy of the GM Standards 3 binder set with no luck.

                NCRS Texas Chapter



                • David B.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • March 1, 1980
                  • 680

                  Re: Failure finding fastener type, size, and finish.

                  Originally posted by Gary Chesnut (5895)

                  Have tried for many moons to acquire a copy of the GM Standards 3 binder set with no luck.

                  Good luck on that one Gary. I think they stopped printing those when the computer came into use. Never realized how important they were until restorations came of age and became so precise. Still owe you a response via email, do not despair!


                  • Richard K.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • April 1, 1988
                    • 207



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