Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

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  • Michael M.
    Infrequent User
    • June 5, 2016
    • 9

    Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

    The 1955 Corvette parts manual says the casting numbers for 1953 - 1955 Vette front wheel cylinders are 5458021 & 5458022. Nobody I know has heard of these. Instead, it seems the 5453821 and 5453822 castings are generally accepted as correct for these years. Can anyone comment on this? I noticed the 1957 parts manual uses the 821 & 822 numbers as correct. Thanks!
  • David B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 29, 1980
    • 683

    Re: Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

    The '57 parts manual also shows in the Parts History Section that PN 5453817 (cast 5458021) changed 1-1-57 and should now use PN 5455479 (cast 5453822) in addition: PN 5453818 (cast 5458022) changed 10-1-56 and should now use PN 5455478 (cast 5453821).
    I do not know how many friends you have but in this case I would trust the GM Parts Catalog as being correct.


    • John S.
      • July 29, 2009
      • 640

      Re: Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

      Originally posted by David Bartush (3288)
      The '57 parts manual also shows in the Parts History Section that PN 5453817 (cast 5458021) changed 1-1-57 and should now use PN 5455479 (cast 5453822) in addition: PN 5453818 (cast 5458022) changed 10-1-56 and should now use PN 5455478 (cast 5453821).
      I do not know how many friends you have but in this case I would trust the GM Parts Catalog as being correct.
      Never go by a later year part manual. Doesn't it seem odd that a part with a lower casting number would replace a higher casting number? 821 and 822 are the wheel cylinders on a 55 corvette. The casting numbers of 5453817 and 5453818 in the 55 Chevy part guide are 821 and 822, not the 021 and 022 that you have listed.
      Last edited by John S.; October 28, 2018, 12:50 AM.


      • Michael M.
        Infrequent User
        • June 5, 2016
        • 9

        Re: Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

        John, This is the clip from the 1955 Corvette Parts Manual I have. Is there more than one version of this guide published?
        Attached Files


        • John S.
          • July 29, 2009
          • 640

          Re: Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

          As I said before, get a 1955 Chevrolet Parts Catalog and you will see that the 55 Corvette Manual has the wrong casting numbers. Before I wrote the other post I also checked the original cylinder from my 55 and they were 821 and 822.


          • Michael M.
            Infrequent User
            • June 5, 2016
            • 9

            Re: Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

            Thanks John, I also have a discrepancy with the Steering Knuckle Support 6.023 between my car and the parts manual. Can you check your '55 for this number?
            Attached Files


            • John S.
              • July 29, 2009
              • 640

              Re: Front Wheel Cylinder for '53 -55'?

              Originally posted by Michael Moore (62478)
              Thanks John, I also have a discrepancy with the Steering Knuckle Support 6.023 between my car and the parts manual. Can you check your '55 for this number?
              The part in the picture is not a support, it is a arm 6.103. #3706019 and #3706020


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