Spare Tire Holder

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  • Daniel B.
    • September 13, 2017
    • 45

    Spare Tire Holder

    My 64 was converted to knock off wheels but was not fitted with a spare. I am in the process of securing a fifth rim and tire for the spare. I know that the strap assembly pivot bolts have to be switched out in order to accommodate the increased width of the rim. I have the new bolts but my shop manual does not address the distance the bottom of the bolts should be from the frame mounting. The manual states that the standard distance is 8 13/16".

    Does anyone know what the distance should be for the knock off pivot bolts.
  • Don H.
    • June 17, 2009
    • 2200

    Re: Spare Tire Holder

    Dan- hate to see a question go unanswered on this Board, but there may be some confusion. There are specific tub lid hanger bolts for the aluminum wheels. If those are the ones you got, and you install them tight to the frame cross member, the distance from bolt head to frame will be established. I am probably missing something here. Please clarify and more answers will probably be forthcoming.


    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 1, 1993
      • 15490

      Re: Spare Tire Holder

      The AIM should show a different bolt p/n for KOs, but probably doesn't specify a dimension reference. The nuts that seat against the frame are welded to the bolt, which is what determines the length from frame to bottom of the "mushroom" head.

      Maybe someone with known original KOs and carrier cover pivot bolts can give you the dimension or maybe one of the Corvette parts vendor knows the dimension. In any case you need the longer bolt measured from the top of the weld nut to the bottom of the mushroom head.



      • Stewart L.
        Very Frequent User
        • March 1, 1980
        • 350

        Re: Spare Tire Holder

        The Judging Guide states that that 64's with KO wheels have 9 5/8th inch bolts holding the front of the spare carrier.


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