'71 Wiper Door Install Issues

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  • Bob P.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 1998
    • 143

    '71 Wiper Door Install Issues

    I'm having significant issues with getting my wiper door installed properly. As you can see from the pictures attached, when in the closed position the door will not clear the grill so it doesn't close all the way. The door when in the closed position (with the grilled removed) doesn't close such that it is close enough to the windshield which results in it being positioned to high relative to the fenders and the trim that covers the top edge of the fenders.

    I have shimmed the mechanism at the firewall in an attempt to move the mechanism back toward the windshield, but it does essentially nothing. In the pictures attached there is a picture of a bracket at each end of the mechanism that attaches the mechanism to the cowl. In my mind this sets the distance and height of the door from the windshield. Is this correct? Does everyone have this bracket? Is it needed? Have I missed something else that I need to do to make the proper installation?
    Attached Files
    Bob Puls, 30633
  • Bob P.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 1998
    • 143

    Re: '71 Wiper Door Install Issues

    A couple additional pictures

    Attached Files
    Bob Puls, 30633


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