1990-1991 Seat Belt Recall Letters - NCRS Discussion Boards

1990-1991 Seat Belt Recall Letters

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  • Pat F.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 31, 1981
    • 850

    1990-1991 Seat Belt Recall Letters

    Does anyone have copies of the 1990-91 seat belt recall letters. Need some information for the new 1990-1991 Judging Manual.
    PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters
  • Ed H.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1999
    • 626

    Re: 1990-1991 Seat Belt Recall Letters

    Pat, I have been receiving these recall letters as long as I have owned my 1990 (4 years). When one calls the phone number for the dealer that will service the problem, they, Chevrolet, reply the car is too old so they cannot honor the letter. Catch 22 at work in the Chevy house. By the way there was a Tec Service Bulletin published in 1991 for the 1990 Corvettes only. The bulletin advised that the Air Bag sensors, mounted on the front of the chassis, left and right were subject to corrosion and Corvette suggested a remedy. Check all recalls for the 1990 Corvette on the internet and you will find the recall notice that covers defective seat belt units but not the air bag sensor, that one is 5 pages long on how to solve the problem. My sensors, both right and left set off code in the computer within a month. The ability to erase this code (16-26) is a monumental task. IT guys designed the fix not Corvette engineers. Dave Perry has extensive, independent knowledge of the air bag problem. Thank you Dave for saving mine and Tom Barr's bacon, you are a true engineer.


    • Pat F.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 31, 1981
      • 850

      Re: 1990-1991 Seat Belt Recall Letters

      Ed, thanks for the information. I have passed it onto the Interior Team. They have been in contact with Dave as he is part of the revision team and he is providing some help in this matter. Will take any additional information from any other member also.
      PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


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