63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

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  • Larry M.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 2002
    • 534

    63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

    I just paid the $100 to get my original window sticker certified by NCRS so I could use it to document that my car was originally non radio. Now another problem. The window sticker shows J65 brakes and the car has a power brake booster. The guide says that the booster was for J50, J56 and Z06 but specifically not J65. I'm still running the original metallic brake shoes but these are not seen at judging so when the judges have seen the booster in the past they likely assumed J50 power brakes. But if I declare the window sticker then they might object to the booster in combination with the J65 option. Then I lose full originality and colndition points for the booster, 5+5=10.

    I have always believed based on other references that all J65 metallic brake cars came with power brakes. Is the wrong? Is the guide correct? Or is this one of those instances where the guide needs to be fixed?
  • Hank D.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1999
    • 136

    Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

    I believe prevailing wisdom is that J50 and J65 were separate options, available together if the purchaser so desired. While a case may be made in favor of NOT ordering J50 with J65, I don't believe there is any evidence against ordering BOTH options separately. The JG omits J65 (second paragraph, page 125) because a booster was NOT required with that option.


    • Mike M.
      NCRS Past President
      • June 1, 1974
      • 8332

      Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

      I have a 64 fi coupe with j50 and j65, have had it sine mid 80's. know original owner and am certain it came with BOTH J65 and J50. mike


      • Larry M.
        Very Frequent User
        • January 1, 2002
        • 534

        Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

        I know that the Corvette Black Book nor Dobbin's Vette Vues are recognized authorities but after research I see this. In 63 the price on J65 was about $37.70 and J50 $43.05. In 64 these were $53.80 and $43.05 respectively. Both show a difference...63 does not indicate power brakes with J65 whereas 64 does. But Adams in his second edition page 223 discusses J65 for 64 as adding power brake equipment for this difference making J65 a real bargain and acknowledging that J50 was separate in 63. Again, I think the guide needs to be fixed for 64.


        • Michael J.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • January 27, 2009
          • 7033

          Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

          My '64 FI tanker has the original window sticker, and has J65 brakes and they are power. It was judged at the Laughlin Regional last year, (original window sticker displayed) there were no issues or deductions for that.
          Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


          • Alan D.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • January 1, 2005
            • 2016

            Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

            I maintain that the J65 option came with the booster as default other wise the number of J50 cars listed as only 2270 cars makes no sense.
            My Mar64 FI came with the J65 option and has the booster. (know original owner who ordered car) At one time due to the booster and a few more low number options I felt the car was very rare however talking to many others it was concluded that all 4780 optioned J65 came with the booster. Sorry just can not find my sources for such a conclusion - just did not save the discussion (my bad).
            However I have never lost anything for having the booster.


            • Bob R.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • July 1, 2002
              • 1594

              Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

              A window sticker is not judged during flight judging so the judges should not pay any attention to it.


              • Gene M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • April 1, 1985
                • 4232

                Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                Originally posted by Bob Rosenblatt (38164)
                A window sticker is not judged during flight judging so the judges should not pay any attention to it.

                Correct a window sticker is not judged. But is the owner’s issue to provide proof of rare options and rare builds that are far out of the normal production run. A tank sticker, window sticker (assuming it’s real) is one way to provide such information. So again not judged but used to verify a car that may have the out of the ordinary build.


                • Alan D.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • January 1, 2005
                  • 2016

                  Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                  OK, here is some GM proof which you could show if questioned, should work.
                  Attached Files


                  • Michael J.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • January 27, 2009
                    • 7033

                    Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                    Thanks for that, I have never seen an original window sticker with both J65 and J50, I think most judges know that too.
                    Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


                    • Loren L.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • May 1, 1976
                      • 4104

                      Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                      Mike, and you still haven't - that is a "compilation" not a window sticker. I had '63 #15018 with metallic linings and a booster, but no window sticker to tell how the order appeared.


                      • Larry M.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • January 1, 2002
                        • 534

                        Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                        Loren, I don't think Mike is saying he thinks the photo is a window sticker, only that he hasn't seen one with that combo. And what Alan posts is likely the 64 page from the Corvette Black Book that I reference above. If you look at the 63 page it does not show the word 'power' on the J65 line and is has a lower price, but these are not NCRS level evidence. Adams is considered an authority but his book would not work either. Carlton, the National Team Leader for 63/64, told me that my window sticker could be used to document my options only if it was certified by the NCRS. Tim Gilmore ( listed on the inside cover of the Restorer) did that for me and made it a very positive experience. The validation service is $100 as I said above and the application process is on this website. The downside is that the window sticker could open this can of worms. The value of this thread is that it documents a belief by Mike, Mike, Alan and myself and at least two of us have original window stickers. Don't know about Mike McCagh or Alan. I hope that the NCRS judging staff gleans useful information from this forum.


                        • Michael J.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • January 27, 2009
                          • 7033

                          Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                          Correct Larry. As I said, the judges know this, that J65 were power brakes, and I have never had a deduction or issue.
                          Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


                          • Alan D.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • January 1, 2005
                            • 2016

                            Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                            Forgive me for not sourcing that information - was in a hurry. The partial page posted (too large to post entire) came from the "1964 Corvette Specifications", a copy I received directly from GM and marked at bottom of page as "Genuine Chevrolet"
                            Considering Adam's book page 223 (noted by Larry) and neither Michael or I have enjoyed any deductions - good judges know the real story.
                            I would not remove the power booster!


                            • Michael J.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • January 27, 2009
                              • 7033

                              Re: 63/64 Judging Guide Power J65 Brakes

                              This info, from the 1964 GM Corvette Information Kit, also shows J65 brakes were power:

                              Thanks to my good friend and info source........
                              Attached Files
                              Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


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