GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings - NCRS Discussion Boards

GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings

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  • David L.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 3310

    GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings

    Attached are photos of two ignition shield supports, both GM 3819759. The NOS support is stamped "MADE IN CANADA" and has a logo shaped like an arrowhead with "cmi" or "cmj". The used support which was apparently made by a different manufacturer is stamped "FMP" on the back side and has a very slightly different shape. I assume the support stamped "FMP" was an assembly line part. Is the "MADE IN CANADA" strictly a service part or was it ever a assembly line part? Is the "75D4" on the GM envelope a date code for 1975, April 4th? Any Comments?


    Last edited by David L.; July 15, 2018, 01:59 PM.
  • David L.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 3310

    Re: GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings

    Back side of 3819759 supports.


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • September 30, 1980
      • 15543

      Re: GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings

      Joe Lucia will probably be able to tell us more, but my belief is the "made in Canada" is a service replacement for the early (chrome bumper) C3s. It may be production for later C3s -- but I have never looked into it seriously because in judging these marks are usually invisible without serious examination. I will be watching to learn more.


      • David L.
        • July 31, 1980
        • 3310

        Re: GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings

        Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
        Joe Lucia will probably be able to tell us more, but my belief is the "made in Canada" is a service replacement for the early (chrome bumper) C3s. It may be production for later C3s -- but I have never looked into it seriously because in judging these marks are usually invisible without serious examination. I will be watching to learn more.
        Isn't that what this game is all about........just learning something new every day!


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: GM 3819759 Ignition shield support stampings

          Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
          Joe Lucia will probably be able to tell us more, but my belief is the "made in Canada" is a service replacement for the early (chrome bumper) C3s. It may be production for later C3s -- but I have never looked into it seriously because in judging these marks are usually invisible without serious examination. I will be watching to learn more.


          First of all, I'm virtually certain that the brackets were not manufactured in different locations for PRODUCTION versus SERVICE at any given time. However, the manufacturing source certainly changed for both at some point in time. Through at least 1972 I'm sure the brackets were not embossed "Made in Canada" or with the "arrowhead" manufacturer's ID. So, sometime after that the manufacturing source changed for PRODUCTION and SERVICE. The packaging and printing for this part looks like a mid to late 70's style envelope although it could also be a bit earlier.

          I think the difference in configuration between the 2 parts shown represents different/repaired tooling or tooling wear.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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