64 Jack & Posi decal orientation - NCRS Discussion Boards

64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

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  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

    Can some one post a picture of their decals on their jack cover board? I know it is on the driver's side, but readable when you flip it up?
  • Alan D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 31, 2004
    • 2020

    Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

    Take a look at Noland's C2 book, page 103. It's for 63 but then addresses other years, a good place to start. (some labels are used in addition if options were purchased) As far as being on driver's side I've seen originals on both sides, but do not argue with JG if putting on new just follow.


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 15, 2008
      • 6940

      Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

      Jack her you go.this is from a 64 real deal as is all the details of the glue around the edges.
      Attached Files
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Jim D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 30, 1985
        • 2882

        Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

        Originally posted by Alan Drake (43261)
        Take a look at Noland's C2 book, page 103. It's for 63 but then addresses other years, a good place to start. (some labels are used in addition if options were purchased) As far as being on driver's side I've seen originals on both sides, but do not argue with JG if putting on new just follow.
        I don't think there was a hard fast rule on label placement. This is from my 1 owner 65.
        Attached Files


        • Edward J.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 15, 2008
          • 6940

          Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

          I agree with Jim, If it looks like a duck and Quacks like a duck, its a duck, if there originals don't touch them. For those of you who are installing new labels I would install as the JM says.
          New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


          • Rod R.
            • August 31, 1984
            • 110

            Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation


            Here is another example. This is my '64, labels are obviously rough but original.

            Attached Files


            • John F.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • March 23, 2008
              • 2391

              Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

              Rod, that is what I wanted to see. You flip up the board right behind the drivers seat and that is what you see. What type and where would I get the yellow type glue to smear on?


              • Leif A.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • August 31, 1997
                • 3583

                Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

                Get yourself some of this...mucilage glue. The stuff we used as kids in elementary school.

                '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
                Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


                • John F.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • March 23, 2008
                  • 2391

                  Re: 64 Jack & Posi decal orientation

                  Thanks Leif! Now to find some or make some!


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