Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

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  • David L.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 3310

    Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

    My Oct. 1962 and Feb. 1967 Chevrolet Radio Catalogs list GM # 3728415 as the part number for the wing BOLT for attaching ignition shielding. The description is 1/4-20 X 3/8 (chrome). Attached is a photo of two 1/4"-20 wing bolts. The one on the left is zinc plated and measures 1/4"-20 X 7/16" (wing span measures 1 1/16") while the one on the right is chrome and measures 1/4"-20 X 3/8" (wing span measures 7/8"). Is the zinc plated wing bolt on the left an earier version?


  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

    Originally posted by David Liukkonen (3775)
    My Oct. 1962 and Feb. 1967 Chevrolet Radio Catalogs list GM # 3728415 as the part number for the wing BOLT for attaching ignition shielding. The description is 1/4-20 X 3/8 (chrome). Attached is a photo of two 1/4"-20 wing bolts. The one on the left is zinc plated and measures 1/4"-20 X 7/16" (wing span measures 1 1/16") while the one on the right is chrome and measures 1/4"-20 X 3/8" (wing span measures 7/8"). Is the zinc plated wing bolt on the left an earier version?



    Not to my knowledge. Also note that the zinc plated bolt does not have a piloting tip. I don't think that would be too favored for the ignition shielding application. However, I would not rule out that it was so used, maybe sometime in the C1 era.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • David L.
      • July 31, 1980
      • 3310

      Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415


      5 zinc plated 1/4"-20 X 7/16" wing bolts and 3 chrome plated 1/4"-20 X 3/8" wing bolts came with some ignition shields that I bought at a swap meet years ago. I never gave it much though until yesterday. I'm thinking that maybe the zinc plated wing bolts might be original equipment for 56-62 Corvettes like you mentioned. Maybe some 56-62 owners might shed some light. It's been awhile since I posted anything.....been busy working for the last few years....now kind of on a vacation....waiting for another site development project.



      • Mike E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • February 28, 1975
        • 5115

        Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

        Every 57-62 (and beyond) I have owned that were extremely original had ones identical to the one on the right.


        • Ray K.
          Very Frequent User
          • July 31, 1985
          • 369

          Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

          Everything that came through the GM parts system from 1959 on was the chrome style 3728415 wing nut. Many times a customer would bring one in for a sample as he lost one and needed another, Never saw a zinc style.



          • David L.
            • July 31, 1980
            • 3310

            Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415


            The 5 zinc plated wing bolts came with other ignition shielding parts that I bought at a swap meet many years ago including the two 3736164 supports (see photo below) used on 56-63 Corvettes. I assume the finish is a zinc plating with a very slight gold tinge to it on both the supports and the wing bolts. I sold my 55, 56, 57. 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62 Chevrolet parts catalogs years ago as my interest is primary in 63-67 Corvettes.
            Maybe my 5 wing bolts were used on 56-58 Corvette. I guess I should have kept the 8 vintage Chevrolet parts catalogs.



            • Tom P.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • March 31, 1980
              • 1812

              Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

              I've never seen anything except chrome wing bolts.
              Over 45yrs ago when I began working on the 56, I went to my local Chevy dealer to buy 6 wing bolts. The parts guy told me that they came in bags of 20 and that was the only way he could get them. Back then they were cheaper than dirt, so I told him to get me 2 bags. Over the years maybe I've used 10. All of them are chrome.


              • David L.
                • July 31, 1980
                • 3310

                Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

                Originally posted by Tom Parsons (3491)
                I've never seen anything except chrome wing bolts.
                Over 45yrs ago when I began working on the 56, I went to my local Chevy dealer to buy 6 wing bolts. The parts guy told me that they came in bags of 20 and that was the only way he could get them. Back then they were cheaper than dirt, so I told him to get me 2 bags. Over the years maybe I've used 10. All of them are chrome.
                Thanks for responding but 45 years ago was only the year 1973. In June 1974 the 3728415 wing bolts listed for $0.15 each (5 per bag for $0.75). My Oct. 1962 Chevrolet Radio Parts Catalog lists wing bolt # 3728415 as 1/4"-20 X 1/2" (chrome) for 1956 to 1963 Corvettes. These 1/4"-20 X 1/2" zinc plated wing bolts must have been used on something. What I need is a Chevrolet Parts History Catalog from 1956 to 1963 to see what part number 3728415 replaced, if it even replaced anything. I do not plan to loose any sleep over this. Thanks all for your comments.


                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • January 31, 1988
                  • 43160

                  Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

                  Originally posted by David Liukkonen (3775)
                  Thanks for responding but 45 years ago was only the year 1973. In June 1974 the 3728415 wing bolts listed for $0.15 each (5 per bag for $0.75). My Oct. 1962 Chevrolet Radio Parts Catalog lists wing bolt # 3728415 as 1/4"-20 X 1/2" (chrome) for 1956 to 1963 Corvettes. These 1/4"-20 X 1/2" zinc plated wing bolts must have been used on something. What I need is a Chevrolet Parts History Catalog from 1956 to 1963 to see what part number 3728415 replaced, if it even replaced anything. I do not plan to loose any sleep over this. Thanks all for your comments.

                  I have the catalogs but not with me here in Italy. However, I can tell you that GM #3728415 is a VERY old part number. It probably dates back to release about 1956. So, I kind of doubt there was any predecessor part number.
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • David L.
                    • July 31, 1980
                    • 3310

                    Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

                    Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

                    I have the catalogs but not with me here in Italy. However, I can tell you that GM #3728415 is a VERY old part number. It probably dates back to release about 1956. So, I kind of doubt there was any predecessor part number.
                    You are probably right. GM # 3728415 is indeed an old part number from the 1950's, but where else on a car might these 1/4"-20 X 1/2" wing bolts be used on? I just assumed that they were used with Corvette ignition shielding since I bought them with other Corvette ignition shielding many years ago.......probably a Spring, Fall, or Corvette Carlisle. They were with ignition shielding in a box in my garage attic for at least 20 or more years. I assume you are on vacation while in Italy. When are you you going to make it back to the North End for a pizza and a cold one at Regina's?


                    • Joe L.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • January 31, 1988
                      • 43160

                      Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

                      Originally posted by David Liukkonen (3775)
                      You are probably right. GM # 3728415 is indeed an old part number from the 1950's, but where else on a car might these 1/4"-20 X 1/2" wing bolts be used on? I just assumed that they were used with Corvette ignition shielding since I bought them with other Corvette ignition shielding many years ago.......probably a Spring, Fall, or Corvette Carlisle. They were with ignition shielding in a box in my garage attic for at least 20 or more years. I assume you are on vacation while in Italy. When are you you going to make it back to the North End for a pizza and a cold one at Regina's?

                      One possibility for the wing nut might be an air cleaner. I think some of the old ones used a wing nut/bolt like this.

                      Yes, I'm on a leisure trip ( I hate to say vacation because I'm on vacation 52 weeks a year) in Italy. I'll be back in the Boston area in about 2-1/2 weeks to stay for another 2 weeks. I don't know if I'll be going to the Regina, though. I think I'll be "pizzaed-out" before then. More likely, I'll be going for the steamed clams, fried clams, and lobster.
                      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                      • Tom P.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • March 31, 1980
                        • 1812

                        Re: Ignition Shield Wing BOLT, GM # 3728415

                        To the best of my knowledge, the chrome wing bolts on ignition shielding is the ONLY place they were ever used. Although, I did find an excellent alternate purpose for them.

                        This is my little trailer that I take on road trips. I made a spare tire rack for the trailer and I use the wing bolts to secure the USA-1 tag to the spare tire rack.


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