1966 427 425HP Transistorized Ignition

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  • Joe T.
    • February 25, 2018
    • 153

    1966 427 425HP Transistorized Ignition

    Does a 1966 Corvette Transistorized Ignition (K66) need an external resistor with a 1115261 GM restoration coil? I thought a resistor was in line internally with the system. The directions with the coil says you must use an external resistor with the coil. I am confused.
  • Donald A.
    • March 1, 1987
    • 243

    Re: 1966 427 425HP Transistorized Ignition

    The correct coil for 66 L72 would be the 261 and the primary should measure 0.41-0.51 ohms, and this coil is specific for TI and does NOT use a ballast resistor but DOES use the resistance wire in the TI harness. So yes, this TI system and coil does use an "external resistor" but it is in fact the resistance wire in the harness and not the usual ballast resistor seen with the 66 points ignition. This is well described in your 66 service manual and readily reviewed at various websites including www.tispecialty.com


    • Joe T.
      • February 25, 2018
      • 153

      Re: 1966 427 425HP Transistorized Ignition

      Originally posted by Donald Anderson (11172)
      The correct coil for 66 L72 would be the 261 and the primary should measure 0.41-0.51 ohms, and this coil is specific for TI and does NOT use a ballast resistor but DOES use the resistance wire in the TI harness. So yes, this TI system and coil does use an "external resistor" but it is in fact the resistance wire in the harness and not the usual ballast resistor seen with the 66 points ignition. This is well described in your 66 service manual and readily reviewed at various websites including www.tispecialty.com
      Thank you.


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