1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

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  • Harry S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 2002
    • 5204

    Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

    Poblem fixed. I used the new upper bearing with the brown wire Paragon, a new sleeve and a new lower spring. After a few adjustments on the directional switch/wire all is now fine. Needed the wife to hold the steering wheel down while I loaded up the lower spring. My tool-time girl.


    • Frank D.
      • December 26, 2007
      • 2703

      Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

      That's good. The steering column overhaul was one of the more tedious jobs I've done on the split window....I'm hoping I never have to touch it again.


      • Gerald C.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 30, 1987
        • 1265

        Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve


        Does the "tab" on the bracket on the firewall end up at the top end of the elongated "dimple" in the steering mast for proper alignment?



        • Frank D.
          • December 26, 2007
          • 2703

          Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

          Originally posted by Gerald Coia (11656)

          Does the "tab" on the bracket on the firewall end up at the top end of the elongated "dimple" in the steering mast for proper alignment?

          Yes, if I understand the question, see the picture. Note the compression of the spring at the lower bearing - that is how they should be, I see far too many of them loosey-goosey, which creates slop and premature bearing wear.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Frank D.; September 9, 2021, 03:36 PM.


          • Paul Y.
            Very Frequent User
            • September 30, 1982
            • 570

            Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

            [QUOTE=Joe Ray (1011);837507]Those bearings for the 63 are sold under part number 5660233 as they are the same as earlier chevy's and Corvettes.
            Several on E-bay listed now.

            JR[/QUOT Joe Ray, agreed, I have a shop in the area called Rear Engine Specialist that works on Corvairs. They have the same upper bearing and correct color green wire. My 1959 El Camino also uses the correct one like the above description. Check in your area for a Corvair shop. Mine had used ones in good condition. {maybe Corvairs steered less)
            It's a good life!


            • Gerald C.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • June 30, 1987
              • 1265

              Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

              Great. Thanks


              • Harry S.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • July 31, 2002
                • 5204

                Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                I know there are some opinions on the wire color. I'll stick with black as the original color, not brown or green.


                • Paul Y.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • September 30, 1982
                  • 570

                  Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                  Harry, Dr. Rebuild sold me his last NOS shaft that he was saving for his 1963 at a great price a few years ago. Mine has a groove worn in at the lower bearing which probably doesn't compromise any integrity but a new one is stellar.
                  It's a good life!


                  • Gerald C.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 30, 1987
                    • 1265

                    Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                    Does the sleeve ride from the shoulder of the shaft to the top of the upper bearing to hold the upper bearing in place?DSCN0052.jpg


                    • Harry S.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • July 31, 2002
                      • 5204

                      Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                      May Help...



                      • Gerald C.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • June 30, 1987
                        • 1265

                        Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                        Thanks. Coming from the other end of the open shaft, the sleeve should run from the shoulder to the top of the upper bearing. Do you know how long this sleeve is? Bubba had cut mine!


                        • Harry S.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • July 31, 2002
                          • 5204

                          Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                          Originally posted by Gerald Coia (11656)
                          Thanks. Coming from the other end of the open shaft, the sleeve should run from the shoulder to the top of the upper bearing. Do you know how long this sleeve is? Bubba had cut mine!
                          I do not recall the length. 1963 Corvette Steering Column Sleeve (GM Part 3824100) (zip-corvette.com)


                          • Gerald C.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • June 30, 1987
                            • 1265

                            Re: 1963 Steering column upper bearing and sleeve

                            Thanks anyway


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