C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

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  • Richard W.
    Infrequent User
    • October 7, 2011
    • 17

    C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

    1962 Fuel gauge seems fine until headlights, turn signals or brake lights are applied. It then advances from 1/4 to 1/2 tank fuller.
    I saw this question on past forums but was unable to access the responses.
  • Bruce W.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 1997
    • 357

    Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

    Originally posted by Richard Wendt (53903)
    1962 Fuel gauge seems fine until headlights, turn signals or brake lights are applied. It then advances from 1/4 to 1/2 tank fuller.
    I saw this question on past forums but was unable to access the responses.
    Richard, gas guage has a bad ground. Very typical Try regrounding the tank


    • Richard W.
      Infrequent User
      • October 7, 2011
      • 17

      Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

      So it would be the ground from the sending unit on the tank?


      • Frank D.
        • December 27, 2007
        • 2703

        Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

        Here is the fix for this classic C1 problem by John Hinckley...
        Attached Files


        • Richard W.
          Infrequent User
          • October 7, 2011
          • 17

          Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

          Fantastic. Thank you very much! This form and the NCRS are great. Some of my hot rod buddies have yet to learn what a great resource NCRS is.


          • Roger W.
            Very Frequent User
            • January 29, 2008
            • 561

            Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

            Yes. A great resource. Many problems that seem to have no solution or a complicated solution have been experienced by other very smart NCRS members. They have figured out how to solve these problems and they are happy to help out other members.


            • John F.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • March 24, 2008
              • 2389

              Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations


              • John F.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 24, 2008
                • 2389

                Re: C1 fuel gauge fluctuations

                Above picture shows how I soldered a ground wire to the sending unit, and then the other end to ground.


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