New Door Ajar Switches

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  • George C.
    • April 12, 2010
    • 44

    New Door Ajar Switches

    The new door ajar switches from Lectric Limited do not fit through the mounting plate threaded holes. The plastic end on the switches is too large to go through the threaded hole.

    I called Lectric Limited and they said these switches suppose to work. If I sand/file down the plastic to fit through the holes, I am not sure the contacts will work correctly.

    Has anyone had this this problem?
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: New Door Ajar Switches

    A friend says the switches he got were metric thread and he had to slightly enlarge the threads in order to get the switch to screw in. If that's so, I wouldn't be surprised if the plastic portion would also be metric and larger.


    • Gary J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 1, 1980
      • 1225

      Re: New Door Ajar Switches

      Not sure if ou are having your car judged or not but does the repoductions have the correct head markings? Not a C3 guy but was ordering some C3 parts through Pargon and they have a repair kit for the switches, you may want to look into that.


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