C1 steering box adjustment and alignment - NCRS Discussion Boards

C1 steering box adjustment and alignment

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  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    Re: C1 steering box adjustment and alignment

    Originally posted by Troy Pyles (14528)
    Yes I got the whole kit with new steering shaft with the gear already pressed on. I gather from your last post that the shaft did not have a centering mark like the OEM shafts.

    One more question about setting the lash. As I turn the lash adjuster in and rotate the steering shaft am I looking for the point of least resistance to turning or the point of greatest resistance?
    Correct, none of the shafts are chisel marked from the supplier. The rebuilder did that.

    See Joe's video describing the lash, Part 8 HERE.

    Release the locknut on the lash adjustment screw and turn the wheel until you feel a slight drag around center of the worm. Keep turning the wheel slowly while turning in the lash screw out or in ensuring you don't bind the gears.

    When you start to feel resistance in the wheel, begin to move the wheel CW then CW until you feel it just coming off center. Slowly bring it back into center. When there, readjust the lash screw to get apx 24 oz at the outer spokes of the wheel when at worm center.

    When you feel you have found worm center, take a look at the shaft top chisel mark that's now there. I suspect it will be off to one side. If so you will have to remove that mark and create a new mark. I use a marker pen when setting these up and chisel it later.

    If it is at top center, then something went wrong when the rebuilder did his lash adjustment and you corrected it.



    • Frank D.
      • December 26, 2007
      • 2703

      Re: C1 steering box adjustment and alignment

      Great info from Gary and Rich....


      • Peter M.
        Very Frequent User
        • May 30, 2013
        • 358

        Re: C1 steering box adjustment and alignment

        I thought I had seen the worm centering procedure on Joe's video, now I think perhaps it was one of your posts.
        My apologies. You deserve a huge amount of thanks for all the help you provide.
        Kind Regards


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