Storing NOS Chrome Parts

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  • Richard G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1984
    • 1708

    Storing NOS Chrome Parts

    I have had a non-heated attached garage for years.
    I am just finishing up my 63 and was disappointed in the condition of some of my prized chromed NOS parts.
    This a only a reminder for those NCRS members that don't already know the risks.
    Some parts were just fine. I have to sometimes remind myself is these cars were never designed to last more than 7 years or so.
    I am confident the plating was done as inexpensively as possible. Bottom line is keep them in a heated space or grease them up.

    I have included a couple pictures of a horn button as an example. I have NOS C2 tail lights that look about the same or slightly worse.

    Attached Files
  • Phillip M.
    • October 1, 2006
    • 100

    Re: Storing NOS Chrome Parts

    Originally posted by Richard Geier (7745)
    I have had a non-heated attached garage for years.
    I am just finishing up my 63 and was disappointed in the condition of some of my prized chromed NOS parts.
    This a only a reminder for those NCRS members that don't already know the risks.
    Some parts were just fine. I have to sometimes remind myself is these cars were never designed to last more than 7 years or so.
    I am confident the plating was done as inexpensively as possible. Bottom line is keep them in a heated space or grease them up.

    I have included a couple pictures of a horn button as an example. I have NOS C2 tail lights that look about the same or slightly worse.

    Richard, for small parts as you have shown, I recommend vacuum food storage bags. I have stored polished brass (cartridge cases), for years with no hint of corrosion.


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43133

      Re: Storing NOS Chrome Parts

      Originally posted by Richard Geier (7745)
      I have had a non-heated attached garage for years.
      I am just finishing up my 63 and was disappointed in the condition of some of my prized chromed NOS parts.
      This a only a reminder for those NCRS members that don't already know the risks.
      Some parts were just fine. I have to sometimes remind myself is these cars were never designed to last more than 7 years or so.
      I am confident the plating was done as inexpensively as possible. Bottom line is keep them in a heated space or grease them up.

      I have included a couple pictures of a horn button as an example. I have NOS C2 tail lights that look about the same or slightly worse.


      The horn button and the tail lights are zinc diecast ("pot metal") pieces. Chromed zinc diecast pieces have a propensity for this kind of deterioration. Unfortunately, there are lots of zinc diecast pieces on a Corvette. I don't think you would usually see this kind of problem on chromed steel pieces (e.g. bumpers, etc.).
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Gene M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 1, 1985
        • 4232

        Re: Storing NOS Chrome Parts

        Parts such as those are fine for years if installed on the car. I have pieces on my cars that are over 30 years old and still look good no pitting at all. I think the normal polishing of Corvette up keep helps.


        • Edward B.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 1, 1988
          • 537

          Re: Storing NOS Chrome Parts

          Have you tried Quick-Glo or Nevr-Dull. Those marks are common and should be removable with little effort.


          • Troy P.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • February 1, 1989
            • 1279

            Re: Storing NOS Chrome Parts

            I believe its pitting, not marks.

            The pot metal flippers on my 53-55 NOS wheel covers have bubbles formed under the chrome. Some are much worse than others, which is interesting since they are the same age and have the same storage history.


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