1961 expansion tank oveflow hose length/routing

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  • John G.
    • September 25, 2013
    • 245

    1961 expansion tank oveflow hose length/routing

    I bought a "correct" ribbed hose for my late 1961 car - it's about 24" long . It connects to the expansion tank, goes through a clip that's on the second bolt on the radiator support and then "exits" above the frame. If it was longer there is a nice area for it to exit onto the road. As is it's going to make a mess if it would ever be needed. In the AIM on page 136 it seems to show it exiting about 4" below the "hole". What is the correct configuration?

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  • Terry D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 1, 1987
    • 2684

    Re: 1961 expansion tank oveflow hose length/routing

    Do you have the latest (6th edition) of the Judging manual? Too much to reprint. but it does explain where the hose goes.


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