Who makes the most authentic looking distributor band - NCRS Discussion Boards

Who makes the most authentic looking distributor band

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  • Chester C.
    • May 29, 2013
    • 154

    Who makes the most authentic looking distributor band

    My dist band 1111024, date 2M15 is hard to read due to the clamp hitting it over the years. With the band off, I can barely make out the date, 2m15, which is correct for my 63. I've looked at several vendors bands and the fonts do not look correct. Does anyone know who makes the best one. Ebay has several original ones but not my number or year, thanks.
  • Carmen R.
    Frequent User
    • December 27, 2011
    • 78

    Re: Who makes the most authentic looking distributor band

    Trying giving member Don Baker a call (815-498-9522). I'm not sure if he supplies them, but he knows distributors. At the very least he can steer you in the proper direction.
    63 Coupe


    • Loren L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1976
      • 4104

      Re: Who makes the most authentic looking distributor band

      Back in the Ice Age, I seem to recall Ed Gurdjian as the owner/prop. of that stamping machine......but long-time-no-contact....


      • Russ S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 30, 1982
        • 2158

        Re: Who makes the most authentic looking distributor band

        You can get them from LI corvette also.


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