1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters

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  • Edward M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 31, 1985
    • 1916

    1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters

    I have been lead to believe that the shifter for 1964 Corvettes with a 4 speed transmission has a shifter that is a bit different than the shifters for 1965-1967 cars. Apparently the 1964 shifter does not have the rectangular hole that is used for neutral alignment.

    Can anyone confirm this? I am wondering if this might be a change that occurred during the model year.

    My car is a Jan 31st, 1964 build date car, and the shifter DOES have the rectangular neutral alignment hole. The shifter MAY have been replaced at some time with a later year shifter.

    So, if you have a 1964 4 speed car, what is the build date of your car, and does your shifter have the neutral alignment rectangular hole.

    I cannot recall now if the AIM procedure for shifter alignment assumes this hole is present or not.
  • Alan D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 31, 2004
    • 2020

    Re: 1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters

    I have a Mar64, purchased in Aug 67. Think I know what you mean by "rectangular neutral alignment hole" see marked up picture, is that it?
    And NO my shifter does not have such.
    Very hard to get a good picture, honestly no similar hole. Alignment is done from rear using the 1/2 circle hole shown higher up on assembly (move downward in picture)
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    • Edward M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • October 31, 1985
      • 1916

      Re: 1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters

      Originally posted by Alan Drake (43261)
      I have a Mar64, purchased in Aug 67. Think I know what you mean by "rectangular neutral alignment hole" see marked up picture, is that it?
      And NO my shifter does not have such.
      Very hard to get a good picture, honestly no similar hole. Alignment is done from rear using the 1/2 circle hole shown higher up on assembly (move downward in picture)
      OK, now it makes a little more sense. If the 64 shifter did NOT have the rectangular alignment hole, then the shifter on my car is a later year shifter. Here is a picture of my shifter with the alignment hole and the "tool" inserted into the alignment hole.
      Attached Files


      • Patrick C.
        • January 15, 2013
        • 327

        Re: 1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters

        My January 24th 1964 car with the original engine transmission and shifter uses the circular alignment tool. Different from my 66’ which uses the rectangular tool.


        • Edward M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • October 31, 1985
          • 1916

          Re: 1964 4 speed shifter - different than 65-67 shifters

          Thanks Patrick. I definitely have a later year shifter.


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