C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory? - NCRS Discussion Boards

C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

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  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

    Which wipers are correct from the factory? The wipers on the car I purchased (1993) have no markings or stamps. Rock Auto sells AC Delco marked on the arm. See attached picture. Top arm is the one just purchased.
    Attached Files
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

    Originally posted by John Ftacek (48800)
    Which wipers are correct from the factory? The wipers on the car I purchased (1993) have no markings or stamps. Rock Auto sells AC Delco marked on the arm. See attached picture. Top arm is the one just purchased.

    No original arms carried the AC Delco logo seen on your replacement arm although some original arms were actually manufactured by Delco. A few questions:

    1) What is the length of your original arms?

    2) Are there no brand-embossments seen anywhere on the original arms? These may be very lightly stamped and difficult to see.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • John F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 23, 2008
      • 2391

      Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

      They are 20" with no markings whatsoever. I'll just take a little paint thinner to the logo then.


      • Frank K.
        • December 31, 1999
        • 319

        Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

        My 93 has original wipers (no markings) I bought refills to keep it original but never had to use them. Looking at the original each end has a spear shape on each end. I am thinking Anco as the supplier.


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

          Originally posted by John Ftacek (48800)
          They are 20" with no markings whatsoever. I'll just take a little paint thinner to the logo then.


          According to GM, these 20" blades used for at least 1992-93 were manufactured by Delco. This was back in the days when GM still had divisions which actually manufactured some parts. This may be why there is no manufacturer's ID on the arms as I've never seen one of these original arms with any sort of a manufacturers ID. They certainly never used a silk-screened AC Delco emblem as seen on your replacement arm.

          Generally, arms manufactured by Anco or Trico have those trade names embossed on the arms.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • John M.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 31, 1990
            • 190

            Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

            I believe the 1992 and 1993 Wiper Assemblies were the same configuration by the same supplier. I will use my original 1992 as the example. For the sake of discussion, I will break the wiper assembly into 3 parts. 1. The wiper arm. 2. The wiper blade holder. 3. The wiper blade. The wiper arm and wiper blade holders have a dull black finish and use a 20 inch long wiper blade. The typical factory production wiper arm has the following stampings: TRICO and marking that reads "One or more patent" listing 4 different patent numbers. The stampings are easier to see on the passenger side of the car as they are found at the back of the arm just past the hinged portion facing up. On the driver side of the car the stampings are found at the base of the arm just past the hinged portion but are facing toward the engine and are more difficult to see. The easiest way to see the driver side is with a mirror and flashlight. The patent number stampings on my passenger side wiper arm are the following: 178874 3418678 1512205 3600778. The typical factory production wiper arm holders are an arrowhead design. The wiper blade holders have no stampings and the wiper blade is not marked in any way. If you are interested in seeing photos, please send me a PM with your personal email address and I will email you photos.


            • Arland D.
              • July 31, 1980
              • 408

              Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

              Larry Richter wrote a detailed article on C4 wiper blades in the Restorer several years ago that addresses your wiper blade questions.


              • Chris G.
                Frequent User
                • October 22, 2006
                • 94

                Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

                Is the wiper article online? I am trying to figure out my 95's arms and blades. I believe them to be original. The inserts have tiny writing on it, really cannot read even with a magnifying glass but I do not believe it is 1X 7A94 - what part of the insert would this tiny writing be - toward outside-middle, inside?
                Originally posted by Arland Dower (3734)
                Larry Richter wrote a detailed article on C4 wiper blades in the Restorer several years ago that addresses your wiper blade questions.
                Attached Files


                • Floyd B.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • October 31, 2002
                  • 1046

                  Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

                  Those blades and carriers look like the service replacements I bought from a Chevy dealer in 2009.
                  '69 Blue/Blue L36 Vert w/ 4-Spd
                  '73 Blue/Blue L48 Coupe w/ 4-Spd
                  '96 Red/Black LT-4 Convertible
                  "Drive it like you stole it"


                  • Chris G.
                    Frequent User
                    • October 22, 2006
                    • 94

                    Re: C-4 Are AC Delco wipers correct from factory?

                    Thanks. I am really having a hard time with these wiper arms and blades. The manual is giving me vague information. There was a change from 94 to 95/96 and the verbiage is unclear. Any help would be appreciated. Also the manuals mention straight arms. Although another member with a known one owner NCRS 95 car says my arms are like his with a slight angle at the last approximate four inches of each arm and as far as the blades go there seems to be question as to whether they should have plastic tips over the ends of them. There is minute writing on the blades but cannot make out the numbers the manual says "some have been known to have"
                    Last edited by Chris G.; February 19, 2018, 05:00 PM. Reason: added info


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