2003 seat

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  • Frederick W.
    • February 1, 2006
    • 33

    2003 seat

    I have removed the driver seat on 2003 I am going to remove the track motor, which can be done with out disturbing any thing else. When I remove the motor the 2 transmissions at each end of the motor will come with it. As long as do not disturb the position of the screw shafts that move the tracks, it should not any difference when I put the motor back in if the position of the transmission if they had rotated. As I understand the motor gets it signal were to stop from the modum. I want to clean the potentiometer, hoping this is causing the intermittent movement and lack of memory of the seat Thank You Fred
  • Mark E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1993
    • 4456

    Re: 2003 seat

    Good luck Fred.

    Let us know if you have a question, and keep us posted.
    Mark Edmondson
    Dallas, Texas
    Texas Chapter

    1970 Coupe, Donnybrooke Green, Light Saddle LS5 M20 A31 C60 G81 N37 N40 UA6 U79
    1993 Coupe, 40th Anniversary, 6-speed, PEG 1, FX3, CD, Bronze Top


    • Pete B.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 22, 2007
      • 316

      Re: 2003 seat

      If the shafts do move don't worry... Just make sure that they are the same distance from the end of the screw to the end of the nut. If that makes sense. The seat location will be found when you hook everything back up.
      Also there is a rubber bumper for lack of a better term on the end of the screw... look for deterioration as the rubber goes away and the seat slips back and forward during stops. Common issue you need to buy a kit to fix it.
      Pete Bergmann
      2005 - 2013 C6 National Teamleader


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