Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging - NCRS Discussion Boards

Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging

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  • John G.
    • September 24, 2013
    • 245

    Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging

    The "old" convertible top latch is what is currently on the car. It had an obvious chrome finish that has some age deterioration. The wire is .139". The "new" latch is a reproduction with an almost cadmium finish and a wire gauge of .157".

    Should I just retain the "old" ones or install the brand "new" ones for NCRS judging?
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  • Terry D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1987
    • 2687

    Re: Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging

    According to the Judging manual ( which you need if you don't already have) are "all cadmium plated". It also states that the 61-61 catches are larger and have a heavier wire than 58-60


    • John G.
      • September 24, 2013
      • 245

      Re: Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging

      Thanks. I looked at several late C1s here and they all had chrome plated. At our next C1 breakfast group meeting I'll have to point this out.


      • Robert K.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 31, 1984
        • 213

        Re: Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging

        I have an original convertible top 62 and would be glad to take any pictures you would like, just tell me what?


        • John G.
          • September 24, 2013
          • 245

          Re: Which '61 convertible top latch is better for judging

          I think I'm done with this. The quality was below my expectations. The wires were bent such that the latch could freely swing but with a few minutes in the vise I corrected that. The plating looked a little iffy and there was a small amount of finish deterioration. It's time to move on to more important items like getting the wheels painted and the bias ply tires on them, exhaust touch-up, getting a repro air cleaner and removing the washers from the intake manifold. I really want to get to top flight this time.


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