securing spare tire in 66

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  • Kevin B.
    • July 1, 2004
    • 36

    securing spare tire in 66

    Recently had the spare tire's locking bolt / lock swing out through the large opening in the lid and drop my spare on the road behind me. I retrieved the tire and the lock was still attached to the bolt. When I returned to the garage to examine the tire's lid or compartment cover I could not see how to make a more secure connection. I removed the lock and cleaned / lubricated the mechanism and spring thoroughly. Also noticed that there is a distinctive 'click' when I push up on the lock against the bolt - seems to make a tighter fit. Not sure if I had done this the last time I touched the lock so there may have been some looseness at hand. There doesn't seem to be a one-way only for the lock, i.e. in absence of the compartment's lid the lock can spin around on the hanging bolt freely. Seems like a crazy arrangement. When the lock is attached with tire in place and lid up there's not much force needed to knock the bolt and lock unit sideways out of the "C" opening. Another ride over bumpy ground and I may loose my tire again. I am wondering if I have the correct parts for the spare tire carrier or if something is missing. Anyone with a similar experience and or advice? I wrapped some have gauge wire around the bolt/lock unit and the "V" - frame rails to help keep the lid closed. Just wondering, but is there a difference in lid compartment parts between years 64-67 that could explain this? Also, are there achives that I can check out that might go over this?
  • Harry S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 2002
    • 5187

    Re: securing spare tire in 66

    Kevin, the lock was only provided so no one would steal the spare tire. It had nothing to do with securing the spare in the tub.

    Check the aft bolt and how it secured in the bracket. Check the bracket and ensure it's properly installed. When snugging up the single aft bolt, it should tighten with little resistance all the way up until the lid fits snugly against the tub. Sometime a misalignment restricts the aft bolt and it dies not go up all the way. After hitting a few bumps in the road your spare tire can pass you.


    • Rick A.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 1, 2002
      • 2147

      Re: securing spare tire in 66

      agree with Harry
      Rick Aleshire
      2016 Ebony C7R Z06 "ROSA"


      • Peter H.
        Very Frequent User
        • April 1, 1980
        • 218

        Re: securing spare tire in 66

        Kevin was the tire still fully inflated ? It would loosen if pressure was down considerably ... Peter ...


        • Greg W.
          Very Frequent User
          • February 26, 2015
          • 141

          Re: securing spare tire in 66

          Kevin, There was a few different tire and rim options on these cars. They had a different length bolt on the front and the rear. If a longer bolt was used and a thinner tire it would never tighten up enough. On my spare tire carrier I could never push it up when the rear bolt is tight with or without the lock in place to get it to come off. I think as peter said either the tire is under inflated or the wrong lengh bolts have been installed , or different tire size.


          • Joseph S.
            Very Frequent User
            • March 1, 1985
            • 789

            Re: securing spare tire in 66

            Kevin, First, make sure you have the cone portion of the bolt set into the recess in the tire carrier. Then the bolt must be completely tightened. Once it is tight there is no way it can swing side to side. Only then should you put the lock on. The lock is not necessary at all for the tire to stay in. If you can't tighten the bolt, you may need a different length. I hope this helps.


            • Jimmy G.
              Very Frequent User
              • November 1, 1979
              • 968

              Re: securing spare tire in 66

              When I go on a long trip I secure the lid and the tub together with a very small wire tie. It can easily be broken if needed. In theory if the tire is inflated correctly, the bolts are correct for the tire in the tub and the tire carrier is tight ---- there should be no issue
              Founder - Carolinas Chapter NCRS


              • Richard M.
                Super Moderator
                • September 1, 1988
                • 11243

                Re: securing spare tire in 66

                In the past I've seen some aft bolts improperly latched into the C hook of the tub cover. Then bolt head was in the tub cover hook, not the flange. (Red arrow below)

                When the flange is snugged up against the C Hook, then tightened, I don't think it could come apart. Make sure the bolt flange is in the tub cover hook.

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