66 coupe disc brakes

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  • John F.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1999
    • 105

    66 coupe disc brakes

    I recently completed a brake job on my 66 coupe. Rebuilt the master cyl, rebuilt all four calipers with new pistons, springs and bleeder valves, blew out all the brake lines, etc. Got all back on the car, bled the system, and got good pedal pressure, no leaks. First test drive, the front brakes started to overheat and felt like they were locking up. The wheels do not rotate freely, and it feels as though the pistons are not releasing properly. Not sure where to go from here.

    John Farren
  • Patrick H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1989
    • 11535

    Re: 66 coupe disc brakes

    Replace the soft brake lines. They may be swelling inside and not allowing the calipers to release. If the hoses are over 10y old, just do it.
    Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
    71 "deer modified" coupe
    72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
    2008 coupe
    Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 16, 2008
      • 6939

      Re: 66 coupe disc brakes

      John,jack up the front and just spin the wheels see if they spin freely, if they do then step on brake pedal and then see if they are releasing, if not then the caliper brake hose(s) as Pat is saying my be imploded . Another check is Power booster push rod adjustment,If out the front brakes may be applied slightly, causing the front caliper pistons to be on. and cause the overheating.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Larry M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 1, 1992
        • 2683

        Re: 66 coupe disc brakes

        Good advice from Pat and Ed. Here is another thing to check in the master cylinder. Perhaps rebuild was not correct or dirt got into the vent/relief port. http://www.freeasestudyguides.com/br...hing-port.html

        Just google your brake issue and all sorts of info and videos appear. But I think we probably have it covered.



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