67 Bolt for battery clamp to tray - NCRS Discussion Boards

67 Bolt for battery clamp to tray

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  • Daniel E.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 2005
    • 145

    67 Bolt for battery clamp to tray


    I tried searching the archives and didn't find the details I was looking for with respect to the bolt for clamping the battery into the battery tray.

    The AIM, calls for 3758783 for the clamp to the tray and 3719206 for tray to frame mounting. Can some one provide the details of these two bolts? Are they the same type/style but different lengths?

    This is what I removed from my car (could have been changed over the years) and it doesn't correspond to the Technical Information Manual and Judging Guide (TIMJG):

    The 6th edition of the TIMJG states the following: "The tray is secured to the frame through the supports using pointed, black phosphate recessed hex-head bolts with captive washers... ...a stamped metal clamp that fits into a recess in the battery and then that is bolted into a weld nut in the tray using the same bolt style as noted previously."

    EDIT: I just removed the tray to frame bolts (appears to be the first time since installed during initial assembly in 1967). They have a captive 'lock' washer with a separate flat washer and are 'not' pointed.

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    Last edited by Daniel E.; August 30, 2017, 04:27 PM.
  • Leif A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 31, 1997
    • 3583

    Re: 67 Bolt for battery clamp to tray

    This is what LICS is selling for those two applications...look pretty good to me.

    '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
    Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


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