Ya Wanna Get Sick?

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  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Ya Wanna Get Sick?

    Originally posted by Michael Johnson (49879)
    I fail to see the logical equivalency of sharing what you do with your car with members here vs. being very critical and judgmental about what someone on TV does with their car, but whatever.........
    It's not rocket science, sharing ideas like thoughts is just as valued as actual technical ideas. There is a big difference between expressing personal preferences without calling someone "critical and judgmental". It's sad that an empty expression of "whatever" justifies name calling. Please refrain from insults.


    • Mark B.
      • October 21, 2016
      • 82

      Re: Ya Wanna Get Sick?

      I'm looking for the emogee eating popcorn representing someone waiting to see how this turns out, but instead I just have to be happy with typing all these words.
      The odd time someone is bound to post a non-technical post on here, It's not the end of the world.


      • Don H.
        • June 17, 2009
        • 2200

        Re: Ya Wanna Get Sick?

        We're all friends here and we'd like to keep it that way so we'll close this now.


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