1954 headlight switch source

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  • Randy G.
    • April 1, 2006
    • 358

    Re: And #3300 sez.....

    Hey Dan.

    Bubba butchered it up years before I got it with scotch locks and jumper wires in an effort to repair the burned up sections of wiring under the dash either before or after he converted it to 12 volts. I picked up the headlight switch that I'm removing now about 10 years ago when I converted it back to 6 volts and installed a new Lectric Limited complete car harness set in it. Bubba literally changed the light bulbs, starter, voltage regulator and generator only before hooking up 12 volts. The Wonderbar radio power supply, fuel guage, and everything else 6 volts was fried.

    If the switch was the right one otherwise, I would have tried cleaning the rheostat. But I need a switch that does not have the detent in it when rotating the knob counterclockwise for turning on the courtesy lights.

    I was going through the operations section of my newly acquired NCRS manual I mentioned above and that's when I discovered it isn't the right switch. The reason I looked is I'm to the point where I may want to have it judged, and I need every point possible.

    Thank again, Jim, for checking out #3300. Some day I want you to take me for a ride in it.


    • Jim L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • October 1, 1979
      • 1778

      Re: And #3300 sez.....

      Originally posted by Randy Goodwin (45471)

      Thank again, Jim, for checking out #3300. Some day I want you to take me for a ride in it.
      Glad to do it and I actually learned something today. Whoda thunk it?

      It'd be my pleasure to take you for a ride, but I think you'll be disappointed. After 63 years, a few things are starting to approach their "use by" date.



      • Randy G.
        • April 1, 2006
        • 358

        Re: And #3300 sez.....

        Well, if you ever get tired of storing the 'ol gal let me know. We have room here to keep her comfy. If I were you I wouldn't touch it at all, if that's possible. #3300 is a great piece of history.

        Attached Files
        Last edited by Randy G.; June 25, 2017, 05:46 PM. Reason: Proper spacing.


        • Jim L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • October 1, 1979
          • 1778

          Re: And #3300 sez.....

          You keep saying don't touch it, and then you show me how good it could look! Mixed messages!!!!!!!!


          • Randy G.
            • April 1, 2006
            • 358

            Re: And #3300 sez.....

            I think yours would look good sitting next to mine. They are only original once, is the old cliche. So true.


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