American Heritage Award transfer ownership question

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  • Anthony S.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 1998
    • 156

    American Heritage Award transfer ownership question

    Does the American Heritage Award transfer to a new owner on sale of a car, or does the new
    owner go through the process for that award all over again ?

    If it does transfer, can the new owner take it though the process for a second time award?

    thx T
  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17405

    Re: American Heritage Award transfer ownership question


    That's a questions for the National Judging Chairman.

    NCRS Texas Chapter


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: American Heritage Award transfer ownership question

      Originally posted by Anthony Soltyka (30469)
      Does the American Heritage Award transfer to a new owner on sale of a car, or does the new
      owner go through the process for that award all over again ?

      If it does transfer, can the new owner take it though the process for a second time award?

      thx T
      I believe I know the answer to one part of your question, but Gary is right the defenitive response should come from Dave Brigham. Since the National Convention is only several weeks away he may have a few other things on his plate just now.

      The American Heritage Award goes to the car, and is based on what the car represents. Therefore I believe the Award goes with the car. However my opinion and $5 or more will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. There may be something more in the Judging Reference Manual about this, but I don't have that book with me while I am traveling.


      • Reba W.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 1, 1985
        • 928

        Re: American Heritage Award transfer ownership question

        I think Terry is correct, but I don't have a handy reference either. I know that is true for a Star/Bowtie Award. I know (at least) two 1972s that received a Bowtie with one owner and the 5th Star with another.


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