What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46? - NCRS Discussion Boards

What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46?

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  • Michael L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 14, 2006
    • 1387

    What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46?


    What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46? I've checked a couple of sources and they all say 360ft/lb but that is the same torque listed for the base 350/300hp engine so I'm guessing it's wrong. Anybody have a spec on that?

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46?

    Originally posted by Michael Leonard (46610)

    What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46? I've checked a couple of sources and they all say 360ft/lb but that is the same torque listed for the base 350/300hp engine so I'm guessing it's wrong. Anybody have a spec on that?



    The spec that I have is 380 lb/ft at 3,600 RPM. Actually, the 300 hp 350 has the same torque peak but at 3,200 RPM.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • David H.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 2001
      • 1452

      Re: What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46?


      The GM Archive document (page 88 of the pdf) shows 380 lbs. ft. for both the 300 hp and 350 hp engines (3200/3600 rpm respectively).

      Document also shows all 427 ci (390/400/435 hp) as 460 lbs. ft. (rpm 3600/3600/4000 respectively).

      Judging Chairman Mid-Way USA (Kansas) Chapter


      • Mike F.
        • April 25, 2011
        • 668

        Re: What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46?

        And in the real world, my 70 L-46 made 341hp/387tq (Engine dyno) and 245hp/305tq (Chassis dyno).


        • Michael L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 14, 2006
          • 1387

          Re: What is the factory torque rating for the 69 L46?

          OK thanks for the info. I just had my dyno session for my 69 L46 a couple of weeks ago. I was unable to tune it at all with only a single pass on the dyno after break-in due to a pesky oil leak from what turned out to be a cracked oil filter bypass plate. It made 351 HP and 411ft/lb of torque. It was a stock rebuild but I did put a mild hydraulic roller in it, mostly for insurance against wiping out a cam lobe than for performance. I was just curious about what the factory torque specs were.


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