Carpet/seat track installation on 1962 Corvette

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  • Markus P.
    Infrequent User
    • December 1, 1991
    • 7

    Carpet/seat track installation on 1962 Corvette

    Dear Members
    I'm installing a new carpet set on my 1962 Corvette. I don't know if the Carpet goes under or over the seat track bracket.
    On C2/C3 you have to cut the carpet and make flaps (kind of) that cover the seat track bracket and mounting bolt.
    What is the correct Installation on a C1, if under the seat track bracket do I have to make a hole or cut it out square ?
    Are the bracket and bolt exposed ?
    If over the seat track bracket and bolt, how exactly does it look like (Picture) ?
    Thanks very much for your Inputs.
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • September 1, 1988
    • 11243

    Re: Carpet/seat track installation on 1962 Corvette

    Markus, Unlike the midyears and later, the carpet sits on top of the track ends/bolts. After the seats are installed it simply lays over them and is tucked around them, before the sill plates are installed.



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