Exhaust & cat sealant C3 and C4

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  • Frank K.
    • January 1, 2000
    • 319

    Exhaust & cat sealant C3 and C4

    Did GM use a gasket or sealant when installing a new car exhaust system? Are replacement pipes and mufflers a advantage to use a sealer and what type?
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: Exhaust & cat sealant C3 and C4

    Originally posted by Frank Keel (33462)
    Did GM use a gasket or sealant when installing a new car exhaust system? Are replacement pipes and mufflers a advantage to use a sealer and what type?
    You didn't mention the year C3 you are interested in, but your reference to a cat (I presume not a feline) would indicate a later C3.

    Your AIM for whatever year you are interested in should show you if an exhaust pipe sealant was used. The sealant is called out in the 1968-72 AIMs and there was sealant present at the junction of the front to rear pipes on my 1970 when I first disassembled the system.


    • Frank K.
      • January 1, 2000
      • 319

      Re: Exhaust & cat sealant C3 and C4

      I found the sealant at one place on the cross over but nothing else in the aims. Question? I did not know the c4 (93) had a aims


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • October 1, 1980
        • 15541

        Re: Exhaust & cat sealant C3 and C4

        Originally posted by Frank Keel (33462)
        I found the sealant at one place on the cross over but nothing else in the aims. Question? I did not know the c4 (93) had a aims
        To my knowledge there are no AIMs as we know them from earlier Corvettes for C4s. There are, however, product description manuals. These are not sold to enthusiasts and I have no idea if they contain the information you are looking for.


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