Love Stinks!

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  • Rich G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 2002
    • 1393

    Love Stinks!

    Driveline page 121 has an ad for apparel. The top half shows a young couple that could be right out of 1955. They looked very familiar so I dug into my LP collection and found the same picture used as the cover for the J.Geils Band album from 1980 called Love Stinks.

    Jay was was a very good friend and also a genuine car guy. He died this past April 11. It brought a smile to me to see that picture in our publication.

    1966 L79 Convertible. Milano Maroon
    1968 L71 Coupe. Rally Red (Sold 6/21)
    1963 Corvair Monza Convertible
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