Headlamp Switch Knob Replacement - NCRS Discussion Boards

Headlamp Switch Knob Replacement

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  • Robert R.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 1987
    • 385

    Headlamp Switch Knob Replacement

    The headlamp switch knob on my '74 broke and needs to be replaced. Does anyone know of an easy way to access the release button on the headlamp switch to remove the knob? Will I have to lower the steering column and drop the drivers side dash panel?
  • Jimmy P.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 24, 2014
    • 1695

    Re: Headlamp Switch Knob Replacement

    First, disconnect your battery, just to be safe. Just remove ALL the screws from the left side lower dash pad, including the two on the left side of the gauge bezel. Then you can carefully pull down on the pad's left top corner just enough that you can barely get your hand in to feel the release button on top of the switch. Push it in and pull out the knob. Since your battery is disconnected if you can't get your hand in there, you could get a skinny screwdriver in there to push down the release button. You shouldn't have to lower the steering column. I replaced my headlight switch without lowering the column. It's not easy but doable.
    Heres the location of the release button on top of the switch.
    Attached Files
    1973 Convertible
    Mille Miglia Red/Oxblood


    • Robert R.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 31, 1987
      • 385

      Re: Headlamp Switch Knob Replacement

      Thanks. Sounds easy. I'll give it a try.


      • Gary R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1989
        • 1794

        Re: Headlamp Switch Knob Replacement

        Just two thoughts.
        1- I found I had to really work the pin on my switch to release the knob, so just be aware it may take some pushing to get it out
        2- IF you or anyone else has to replace the switch. The replacement switches today are not as good as GM's. This goes back a good 10+ years. My buddy installed a new switch in his 75 and the dash lights never worked. My sons car- same thing. I found a good used GM switch in my box of odd parts and installed it and solved the problem. Hopefully you won't have to deal with it and will just change out the knob.


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