how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

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  • Kenneth M.
    • November 13, 2012
    • 41

    how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

    Is there a web site where I can find out where my 1963 Corvette was sold NEW (state & dealership)
  • Jim D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 1985
    • 2882

    Re: how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

    Order the shipping data report -


    • Mike E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 1, 1975
      • 5106

      Re: how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

      You are on it.


      • Frank D.
        • December 27, 2007
        • 2703

        Re: how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

        Here is an example (I assume its OK to post since I paid for it)!

        My dealer is still in the same business, in the same location...
        I called them and the boss sent me his last metal emblem from 'back in the day'!
        Unfortunately all the old purchase orders/sales info was long gone in a fire...

        Couldn't bring myself to drill holes in the body so its safety-wired to the bottom of the rear license plate frame...
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Frank D.; April 30, 2017, 03:03 PM.


        • Michael F.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 1, 1993
          • 745

          Re: how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

          I live right down road from anson in abilene. glad they gave it to you

          70 Mulsanne Blue LT-1
          03 Electron Blue Z06


          • Bob D.
            NCRS Shipping Data Report Manager
            • May 1, 1996
            • 780

            Re: how can I find out where my 1963 corvette was sold (state & dealership)

            My dealer from California--Crest Chevrolet in San Bernardino--did not have any records left from 1971, but he sent me a pair of Crest Chevrolet license plate frames from back in the day.



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