1954 Family Corvette

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  • Tony R.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 20, 2017
    • 201

    Re: 1954 Family Corvette

    I have been having trouble reconciling the Nolan Adams book information to the casting numbers on our corvette's transmission. I am posting the photos I took in the hope that one or more of you can confirm whether this would appear to the correct transmission. Tight quarters under there - hope the photos are helpful.
    Attached Files


    • Tony R.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 20, 2017
      • 201

      Re: 1954 Family Corvette

      Well, After getting it up on a hoist and having a little more room and light, and after doing some research, the transmission seems correct. It would appear that we have a very correct car, but for the head. I put a new condenser and points in it, changed the oil, pre-lubed by spinning the oil pump, and got it to fire up and idle for a bout 15 seconds. I have begun the 'voyage' on this project.🤗


      • Jeff W.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 20, 2015
        • 101

        Re: 1954 Family Corvette

        I, and likely many others here, would give my eyeteeth to own a car with such family history. One can't lose sight of cost, but how much do your friends spend on their vacations that result only in memories with no resale value? Owning this family car, and paying for its needs is closer to the 'voyage' to which you refer, than the investments of a financier. Only you can decide if your voyage will be that of happily traveling on hot dogs and beans surrounded by a bit of grease and dust or something a bit richer. I suggest either end of the spectrum will be sumptuous and without equal. Imagine handing the keys and your shared stories to YOUR son. Good luck.


        • Tony R.
          Very Frequent User
          • April 20, 2017
          • 201

          Re: 1954 Family Corvette

          Thank you for this VERY nice and encouraging post! I am more than a little excited (and grateful). I have had two body folks that have done early corvettes look at it and neither one can find repairs to the body. The frame is in really nice shape. Lots of black paint on much of the frame. I suppose all of that oil helped preserve it. Very excited to get going on it.


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