1984 Fog light bulb

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  • Walter F.
    • October 23, 2006
    • 373

    1984 Fog light bulb

    Does anyone know if you can get the fog light bulbs on and 1984 out without removing the front bumper. I am not speaking about the turn signals. Those are easy to see and remove. But the fog lamps next to the turn signal. I do not see any way of removing them. I know on newer C4's have a door that was designed under the front bumper to gain entry to the fog light bulbs, but I do not see anything even in the shop manual for the 1984.
  • Perry M.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1977
    • 324

    Re: 1984 Fog light bulb

    I read this thread awhile ago and thought I must have not understood the question so I finally looked at my 84 corvette. Both the turn signal and fog light bulbs are accessible from behind the housing unit. Simply open the hood and look at the back of the housing. Follow the wires to the bulb if you can't see the bulb socket at first. Twist the socket and pull it out.


    • Walter F.
      • October 23, 2006
      • 373

      Re: 1984 Fog light bulb

      Thanks I see it.


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