C2 Kick Panel Screw - a different possibility?? - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 Kick Panel Screw - a different possibility??

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  • Daniel E.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 2005
    • 145

    C2 Kick Panel Screw - a different possibility??


    The screw appearing on the left in the included photos is considered typical/normal for attaching the kick panel along the wind lace trim, has anyone ever seen the screw on the right used (if not, any ideas of its original use)? It has the same length, diameter, and captured washer as the typical/normal but has a slightly different top configuration.

    Thanks in advance
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  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1983
    • 5174

    Re: C2 Kick Panel Screw - a different possibility??


    I have never noticed a screw like what's shown on the right in your picture. I was going to say radio side panel until looking at the side view, could it be possible it came from the same kick panel but different supplier.


    • Gene M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 31, 1985
      • 4232

      Re: C2 Kick Panel Screw - a different possibility??

      Screw on left is good for kick panels. The screw on the right not a mid year trim screw anywhere that I never seen.


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