did 57s use a heat riser on all engines??

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  • Darryl D.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 7, 2017
    • 386

    did 57s use a heat riser on all engines??

    See title for my question
    Current Corvettes owned 1957 two top stealth 383 dual quads--1965 original low mileage 300 h.p. coupe.

    Other Corvettes owned over the years:
    1954. 1957 AIRBOX FI. Two 1958s one FI, One 2x4. 1961. 1964 convertible A/C auto trans. Two 1965s one coupe with 300 h.p. loaded A/C car, one 365 h.p. convertible Two 1966s one loaded A/C, BB coupe one loaded A/C, SB coupe. Two 1968s one BB convert, 1969 BB coupe. 1971. 1973. 1978 L-82. 1985, 1986 both 4+3s.
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • September 1, 1988
    • 11243

    Re: did 57s use a heat riser on all engines??

    Darryl, I'm pretty sure only on the carburetted engines used the heat riser as they have provision for the exhaust crossover in the intake manifold.

    Fuel Injected engines had no crossover in the inlet manifold so they would have used the exhaust spacer in place of the heat riser.

    If you look in your 1957 AIM under Option RPO 579 it may show the spacer part#. I don;t have my AIM handy.



    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 1, 1993
      • 15497

      Re: did 57s use a heat riser on all engines??

      All '57 to '65 FI engines just had a spacer in place of the heat riser used on carbureted engines. A heat riser is not necessary on port injection engines because the manifold is not "wet".



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