68 Tri power power brake vacuum hose routing - NCRS Discussion Boards

68 Tri power power brake vacuum hose routing

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  • Ted K.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 1994
    • 337

    68 Tri power power brake vacuum hose routing

    On the above car does the vacuum hose go directly from the intake manifold to the brake booster, or does it go to the vacuum canister that supplies vacuum to the headlights and the wiper door, and then to the brake booster?
  • John C.
    • December 31, 2004
    • 616

    Re: 68 Tri power power brake vacuum hose routing


    The vacuum hose for the power brakes goes directly to the intake manifold.

    Attached Files


    • Ted K.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 31, 1994
      • 337

      Re: 68 Tri power power brake vacuum hose routing

      Thank you, nice picture.


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